Monday, 31 October 2016

Happy Halloween from Room 103!

Scenes from our Boo-gie-a-thon!

Communication Books

Please ensure your child's communication book is placed in his/her zippy bag. The book is for two-way communication between parents and teachers.  If there is no new message, the book remains closed. If there is a new message, open the book to that page to ensure it is read in a timely fashion.

PAT Time Letter Schedule

Week of October 31 - T
Week of November 7 - I
Week of November 14 - P
Week of November 21 - N
Week of November 28 - C

Friday, 28 October 2016

Halloween Boo-gie-a-thon

We are super-excited for our upcoming Halloween Boo-gie-a-thon on Monday, October 31st!   Please send your child to school dressed in a comfortable, non-violent, mask-less costume. Or, if you prefer, dressed in orange and black.We will be dancing in the gym from 9:30 to 10:05 am.  Parents are welcome to attend.

Halloween Treats

Each child participating in the Boo-gie-a-thon will receive a nut-free treat.  If you are planning to send in treats for your child's classmates, please be advised that only NON-FOOD ITEMS are permitted.

Also, we request that Halloween sugary treats such as candy and chocolates be enjoyed at home only. Chips are an acceptable special treat for school.

Thank you for your understanding!

We Scare Hunger Food Drive

St. Andrew's is collecting non-perishable food items between October 27th and November 4th. Please send in a donation of  a non-perishable food item.  The act of giving helps reinforce that "sharing is caring" and that we are all part of God's family.

Pumpkin Inquiry

Our young learners have been investigating pumpkins this past week. We have explored their size, shape and texture. We discovered that there are 534 seeds in one pumpkin. We have also learned about the life cycle of a pumpkin.  This inquiry has provided students with opportunities to ask questions, measure, count (by tens and ones) and express their learning through various arts and crafts.

PAT Time

Next week's letter is "T". Our students are gaining confidence in presenting, especially with at home practice!


A new feature of this blog will be our "Chime-In" poems, chants and songs.  These are rhymes and songs you have likely heard at home. Please have your child share these with you.

Three Black Cats

Three black cats, three black cats,
In black hats, in black hats,
They all jumped into the Halloween brew.
They teased the ghosts and the goblins too!
Have you ever seen such a hullabaloo?
On Halloween, on Halloween!!!

The Way Witches Fly

This is the way the witches fly, witches fly, witches fly.
This is the way the witches fly.
Swish! Swish! Swish!

This is Halloween!

One little skeleton jumping up and down, jumping up and down, jumping up and down.
One little skeleton jumping up and down, for this is Halloween!
Two little witches flying on their brooms, flying on their brooms, flying on their brooms.
Two little witches flying on their brooms, for this is Halloween!
Three little goblins skipping down the street, skipping down the street, skipping down the street.
Three little goblins skipping down the street, for this is Halloween!
Four little pumpkins rolling down the hill, rolling down the hill, rolling down the hill.
Four little pumpkins rolling down the hill, for this is Halloween!
Five little children playing trick or treat, playing trick or treat, playing trick or treat.
Five little children playing trick or treat, for this is Halloween!

Friday, 21 October 2016

Writers at Work

Our students have been busy writers! Through writing, they explore their interests, describe events and ask questions. From journal entries to books about sports and animals to questionnaires, children express their ideas and world views. We encourage children to sound out words, and with our less-experienced writers, we scribe their thoughts. Correct spelling is not a a goal of the kindergarten program. Praise your child's efforts to write independently.

PAT Time

We have just successfully completed our first week's PAT time!  Thank you for supporting your child's "S" selection.

This coming week we will be focusing on the letter "A".  

A number of parents have asked how they can further support their child's presentation of their PAT item. The presentation follows a standard format:
I chose (object name).
(Object name) starts with the letter ____.
The letter ___ makes the sound_____.

Your child may feel more confident if they practice their presentation in advance at home!

Reading Buddies

Each Tuesday afternoon, students in Mr. Spence's  grade 5 class join our class for "Reading Buddies", a chance to snuggle up with a good book.

Rosary Apostolate

 On Wednesday, October 19th,
the Rosary Apostolate made its first monthly visit to our classroom. Students learned about the first Joyful Mystery, the Annunciation. They also prayed the Hail Mary. Students received a gift of rosary beads to share with their families. The Rosary Apostolate is a non-profit organization of volunteers in the community whose main objective is to lead people to Jesus through Mary by teaching them how to pray the Holy Rosary.  

Outdoor Play

During this glorious month of October, your child has had many opportunities to enjoy our outdoor playground. Since they, weather permitting, will be playing outside for more than one hour each day, please ensure they are "dressed for the weather" and are equipped with suitable outdoor footwear.

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

PAT Time Schedule

PAT Time (very similar to Show and Tell) will begin on Monday, October 17th.  PAT Time is a time where we work on developing phonemic awareness. This involves children being able to listen for sounds in words. 
PAT Schedule



Sunday, 9 October 2016

Take a look at our classroom!

 Working with 2D Shapes

Daily Christian Meditation

Working on Tiger Booklets

Working on our Tiger Habitat

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Room 103 Kindergarten - Watch us grow!

Welcome to the 2016-17 Room 103 Kindergarten blog!  
We  are pleased to keep you up-to-date on our classroom happenings.

We look forward to sharing our news with you!

Mrs. Cuggy-Murphy and Mrs. Samson

Reading Tip

Ask your child questions about the things they see in the neighbourhood or on TV. Comprehension is a large part of reading and asking your child simple comprehension questions is a great way to see if they are understanding and interpreting their environment and media correctly!


Every Thursday, our class visits the library. Your little one will have an opportunity to enjoy a book read-aloud by our librarian,  Mrs. Rett. They will also be able to sign out a library book of their own choosing. Please enjoy reading this book with your child throughout the week. Good readers enjoy books multiple times. We ask that books be sent to school on Wednesday to help ensure they are returned in a timely fashion. Students are not permitted to take out books if they have overdue items.

PAT Time

PAT Time begins Monday, October 17th, Our letter of the week will be "S". Your child is asked to bring in one object that begins with the letter S and present on their day.  Please see October's schedule of PAT Time letters:

Week of October 17th - S
Week of October 24th - A
Week of October 31st - T

Our Family Tree

You are invited to send in a family photo to be displayed on our classroom family tree. These pictures help our students gain a sense of belonging within the classroom. They also visit the tree from time to time when they are feeling a bit lonely.

Remind Program

As a Gold Eco School, St. Andrew is striving to minimize the use of paper notices. To that end, we are sending classroom reminders via the Remind program. Please forward your email contact information to us at your earliest convenience.

Toys from Home

We respectfully request that toys from home stay at home to avoid having treasures lost or broken. Our classroom is well-stocked with fun, educational toys.

Things to Practice 

  • Your child should practice printing their name every day. First name for JK and first and last name for SK. (First letter upper case, the rest lower case) 
  • Putting on shoes independently
  • Putting on coat independently
  • Zipping zippers on backpack and coat
  • Packing backpack independently (Hint: have your child put their own note bag and lunch bag inside backpack before coming to school.)
  • Opening snack and lunch containers/putting away snack and lunch containers independently

Outdoor Weather and Clothing 

We ask that children continue to come to school dressed for the weather as we go outdoors several times a day. Inevitably, the weather will become colder and children will arrive at school with more outdoor clothing. Please ensure that all articles of outdoor clothing are labelled with your child’s name so that we can assist your child in bringing it all home. In addition, we appreciate your assistance in reviewing dressing skills at home (zipping zippers, buttoning buttons, putting on coats and, eventually, snow pants.) We will continue to support parents in developing this independent skill.

Indoor Shoes

As our fall weather becomes inclement, please, if you have not already done so, send in indoor shoes for your child. This will help keep our classroom clean.

Important Dates

October 7 – PA Day (No school) 
October 10 – Happy Thanksgiving (No school!)
October 11 – Milk Program Begins
October 11 –  Breakfast Club Begins
October 14 –  Pizza Treat Lunch Begins
October 17 – PAT Program Begins  
October 31 –  Happy Halloween Boogie-a-thon