Saturday, 25 March 2017

March in Room 103 has been a busy inquiry-filled month!

Our kindies have been researching and writing about animals of every kind: those that swim the sea, roam the earth and fly in the air.

On the GO!

Inquiring minds are never at rest!  Our students are now wondering about GO trains and have been building trains, tracks and GO stations! They recognize that commuter trains travel into Toronto and  have connections to subways and restaurants. We are in the process of transforming our dramatic play area into a GO station. If you have any GO items such as schedules, empty PRESTO cards, or even McCafĂ© packaging, please send these to school in your child's backpack.

Rosary Apostolate

In February, our children were introduced to the First Luminous Mystery, the Baptism of our Lord. This month, during Lent, we are learned about the First Sorrowful Mystery, the Agony in the Garden. Each day we pray the Hail Mary so that Mary may pray for us.

Lights Out - Power Down March 24 - 10:30 to 11:30 am

On March 24, St. Andrew celebrated Earth hour. Throughout the school, all lights and computers were shut down to raise awareness of the importance of conserving energy. Each day, our class works to care for God's creation by bringing in litterless lunches and snacks, using classroom recycling and composting bins, minimizing the use of overhead lighting and playing respectfully in our natural playground.  We also read our school's eco-pledge each morning as part of our opening exercises.

Stewards of the Earth
St. Andrew Eco-School Pledge

Dear God,
We the community of St. Andrew's Catholic School, 
pledge to do our very best to reduce, reuse and recycle. 
We promise to conserve energy, save water and protect 
our natural resources and environment. 
We will inspire our families, friends and neighbours 
to make our world a cleaner and healthier place in which to live. 
Let every day be Earth Day.


An important part of the kindergarten literacy program is Snuggle Up and Read.  One of the greatest gifts you can give your child is the love of reading. Please ensure that you return your child's Snuggle Up and Read folder each Tuesday and Thursday, so that they may receive a new book to share with you.


The learning carpet is used in the classroom to promote counting and patterning.

Friday, 3 March 2017

Learning Calendar - 

What Our Students of the Day Enjoyed Most

Monday, February 27 - Making a bridge with Daniel. - Leticia
Tuesday, February 28 - Playing with Maya and Zoe. - Paget
Wednesday, March 1 - Playing dinosaur bones. - Tayein
Thursday, March 2 - Going to the library. - Chloe
Friday, March 3 - Playing in the sand table with Kamryn. - Aaniayah

Lenten Crosses

During the Lenten Season we have been discussing ways in which our “hearts can grow bigger with love”, by using kind words and doing good deeds for others.  In your child's zippies special Lenten crosses were sent home. We are encouraging the children to do good deeds at home and then record their name and good deed on the cross and return it to school.  We will be sharing our good deeds with the class.

Don’t give up! I believe in you all. A person’s a person, no matter how small! 

Dr. Seuss, Horton Hears a Who

We have certainly enjoyed our Dr. Seuss week in Room 103! What a terrific opportunity to re-discover the classics of Dr. Seuss:
The Cat in the Hat
I Can Read with My Eyes Shut!
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish
Green Eggs and Ham
Fox in Socks
There's a Wocket in my Pocket
If I Ran the Zoo

Seuss's delightful rhymes and tongue twisters had the kids laughing!  You may extend this learning at home by playing rhyming games with your little ones. Feel free to add silly words, i.e. tap, sap, cap, lap, map, nap, zap, chap, thap, etc.


PAT Schedule

Week of March 6 - b
Week of March 20 - j
Weel pf March 27 - z

Math Tips for the Month

Play number games during everyday activities, such as counting the number of steps, the number of trucks you see while driving, or counting the number of items going in the laundry.

At the grocery store, ask your child to find items that are triangles, circles, rectangles, and other shapes.

Ask your child to recognize or stack the groceries you bought by container shape or organize by size.

Important March Dates

Friday, March 10 - PA Day - No School for Students
Monday, March 13 through Friday, March 17 - March Break (holiday)
Monday, March 20 - Return to School
Friday, March 24 - Pizza Treat Lunch
Friday, March 24 - Earth Hour - Lights Out 10:30 - 11:30 am


This is Lent!

(To the tune of "Frere Jacques")

Prayer, fasting and almsgiving,
We are meant to repent.
Forty days of sacrifice,
Being super, extra-nice!
This is Lent!
This is Lent!